Monday, April 18, 2005

Noble Sacrifice

On April 7 2003, Dr Ong Hok Su became the first doctor-casualty in Singapore fighting the SARS epidemic.

I do not claim to be overly familiar with Hok Su. He was one of those bright stars in the graduating year of 1992 in ACS, out of reach, but lighting a path for those who followed. I remember him as one of the few people in ACS of my year treating me nicely and never having a harsh word for me.

God knows my graduating year in ACS needed more people like him. I'm sorry I never got to know you better, Hok Su. You'd be missed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he is my fren too ! A good fren indeed and now only I know he passed a way...shame on me...Life shorttttttttttt....