Friday, April 29, 2005

Into The Wind

I had a funny post. It's been sitting on my dashboard for the longest time. I just don't have the heart to complete it.

You see, today's my last day of full-time employment, for the forseeable future. I will be back, to and fro, and I know I will see them again. You don't get rid of a lawyer that easily.

Yet somehow, things are slowly changing. This is another link to Singapore I've destroyed to get to San Francisco. It's painful. Two days ago I found out one of my colleagues and best friends in my company is pregnant. She's the first of my female friends that I would have had an oppurtunity to see carry a baby to term - except that now I must leave, and I won't be back until the baby's born.

Friends don't grow apart? I beg to differ. When you have a continent and time zone differences, when you start having fewer and fewer shared experiences, you slowly drift. They will have gone on with their own lives, as will you. Their kids will grow up not knowing that, sometime in the past, you shared laughter over lunchtime kopi with their parents.

I'll miss them terribly.


Trebuchet said...

well, logically, it is better for friends to grow apart than to grow together... *grin* there is always the chance of coming into contact again, but even the best of friends can't be expected to be in harness to each other or to one another! and I will always remember the paladinate characters who walked on and off the stage of my campaign for many years...

Anthony said...

Hey all,

It's wierd. I know I'm still in Singapore, but it's like the knowledge that I'm going has already affected the relationship. :D

Anonymous said...


We've still got no respect for you and hang around anyway. And that is a definition of "friend", isn't it?

Slinky said...

Anthony - I actually wrote a post about that a while ago, so I can say with assurance that I know exactly how you feel. Somehow the act of elaving, whtehr you are the leaver or the leave-ee, gives one a sense of detachmant and the oddest sense of loss.

Ironically, that post caused a bit of a storm and perhaps deatchment occured faster than it should have, although I still don't understand why.