You are in grave danger. On Monday, 19 Jan 2005, at approximately 8 pm,Shianux , Linda Chia and I were shooting the breeze when the conversation took a darker turn.
Somehow, the conversation turned towards rape laws in Singapore. Shianux brought up the fact that women are unable to rape men in Singapore, because the legal definition of rape in Singapore requires penetration. Upon gaining this knowledge, Linda's eyes gleamed in an unwholesome fashion. Moments before this, we had discussed actors that we liked and your name came up.
It is for this reason that I fear for you. Please heed this warning.
As is obvious, the coffee session on Monday went splendidly. Shianux and I had a lot to talk about. What can I say? Put two lawyers together and we talk shop. Even if we had all night, and an infinite number of jurisdictions, we would have talked those to death. Indeed, The World Is Not Enough.
Linda joined us at about 8.30. I don't think it's an understatement to say that she lit up the place like Dante's Peak. To our discredit, Shianux and I continued talking shop - which must have bored the Living Daylights out of her. She was, however, happy to discover some useful legal tidbits. Laws of Attraction, sad to say, almost always take mindshare precedence over boring legal discussions.
The conversation continued late into the night. Linda suggested supper. Shianux and I agreed. Shianux was hungry. I think he hadn't eaten After The Sunset. Besides, it was too early to be back. Since none of us were working, we decided to live for today, and Die Another Day - Shianux, Linda and I split an unhealthy but oh-so-delicious supper of sambal stingray, fried kway teow and roti john.
All in all, it was great fun. I hope to be able to meet all of you at the Tomorrow Christmas party. I hope that happens - the discussion about it seemed inactive for a while, and no venue has been confirmed yet. Nevertheless, I have high hopes. Even if individual discussions and news items do get shelved...
(wait for it)
Tomorrow Never Dies.
P.S: Forgive me Linda. I had to.
P.P.S: I ask my readers to pardon my pun-niness. I'm high on teh-o peng. Yeah. That's it. Blame the teh-o peng.
unfortunately it doesn't seem that the christmas party will happen.
I also found Linda's preoccupation with Pierce Brosnan amusing. heh.
>sambal stingray, fried kway teow and roti john
Please. Stop.
No, actually, keep eating. Take pictures too, and send them to me.
Oh darn. I now have a Friday night available. Somehow a foodie expedition sounds good. What say you?
I intend to. I didn't lose 20 pounds in California just to keep the 20 pounds off.
It was great meeting you and shianux!
Thank you for that big picture of Pierce Brosnan! *wipes drool*
And double thanks for that great piece of legal loophole!
Mrs Brosnan-to-be
It was our pleasure.
Aha. Don't plan your dastardly deed in Australia, dear Linda. There, the definition of rape is different and you could well be guilty of your celebrity offence.
Anthony, sorry to miss you on Monday night; since becoming a daddy, I don't do the "supper with the guys" thing anymore. However, if you feel like lunch with Mr Wang on any weekday next week in the Suntec City area, send me an email over the Xmas weekend:
Mr Wang,
We've warned Linda. Or at least, I think we have.
Lunch is good. I'll drop you a mail.
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